Transforming social care

By Mark Atkinson | 08 December 2015

The new council tax precept is good news, writes Mark Atkinson, but with fewer people receiving c...


100 authorities join land sales programme

08 December 2015

More than 100 councils have joined the next phase of a government-backed programme to sell off ex...


How to develop some 'outside-in' disruption

By Eric Bohl | 19 November 2015

Eric Bohl offers an introduction to the new Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE) ...


What role for councils after Paris?

By Mark Rogers | 19 November 2015

Mark Rogers considers how local government is in a unique position to deal with the national resp...


Combined authority is outsourcing responsibility

By Chris Game | 28 October 2015

Combined authorities are outsourcing responsibility, writes the Institute of Local Government Stu...


Care bosses unite in public health plea

By Jamie Hailstone | 26 October 2015

Local government and health groups have joined forces to call on George Osborne to protect public...


Boys don't cry

By Mark Rogers | 20 October 2015

Mark Rogers reflects on how life lessons have affected his outlook on local government. Building ...


Hampshire CC confirm the county's new chief executive

20 October 2015

A cross-party member appointment panel met earlier in the month and recommended the county’s form...


'Don't ask – just build more homes'

By Heather Jameson | 14 October 2015

Councils should just go ahead with building new homes instead of asking for permission, SOLACE su...


Ofsted accused of 'dividing the sector'

By Jamie Hailstone | 14 October 2015

The current Ofsted inspection regime for children’s services is creating a more ‘divided and uneq...


Strategy Manager (Economic Growth and Visitor Economy)

£49,764 - £51,802 per annum

Premium jobYou will be one of two senior leads reporting to the Business Manager of the Economic Growth and Visitor Economy service of the Council Apply for this job

Newark & Sherwood District Council

Deputy Lead / Team Manager Occupational Therapy

£61,980 - £65,478

The Royal Borough of Greenwich is committed to delivering high-quality social care services to our diverse community. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Change & Improvement Manager

£61,980 - £65,478

This is an exciting opportunity to join the Change & Improvement Team on a two-year fixed-term contract. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich


Strategy Manager (Economic Growth and Visitor Economy)

£49,764 - £51,802 per annum

Premium jobYou will be one of two senior leads reporting to the Business Manager of the Economic Growth and Visitor Economy service of the Council Apply for this job

Newark & Sherwood District Council

Deputy Lead / Team Manager Occupational Therapy

£61,980 - £65,478

The Royal Borough of Greenwich is committed to delivering high-quality social care services to our diverse community. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Change & Improvement Manager

£61,980 - £65,478

This is an exciting opportunity to join the Change & Improvement Team on a two-year fixed-term contract. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich