SOLACE president Mark Rogers explains to delegates at its annual summit why local government must...
SOLACE director Graeme McDonald points out how the USA views its councils, the similarities and t...
Many believe in the need for an ethical code for officers to follow and, in the wake of SOLACE’s ...
A committee will be formed to develop the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives’ (SOLACE) c...
John René Keller Lauritzen argues that councils must be both brave and open, and the only way to ...
Well-managed decentralisation will offer local areas an opportunity to strengthen their growth, w...
The MJ hears from some of the SOLACE summit’s keynote speakers on public leadership - both here ...
Barry Quirk says the new code of ethics set out by SOLACE needs to be accepted by all in local go...
Devolution hopes have been dashed in areas throughout the country after the Government revealed a...
Council self-sustainability and housing were on the agenda when the Society of Local Authority Ch...
Premium jobYou will be one of two senior leads reporting to the Business Manager of the Economic Growth and Visitor Economy service of the Council Apply for this job
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Premium jobYou will be one of two senior leads reporting to the Business Manager of the Economic Growth and Visitor Economy service of the Council Apply for this job
The Royal Borough of Greenwich is committed to delivering high-quality social care services to our diverse community. Apply for this job
This is an exciting opportunity to join the Change & Improvement Team on a two-year fixed-term contract. Apply for this job