It's payback time Dudley style

 Shaun Keasey outlines how Dudley MBC is getting community payback following the introduction of its social value policy. He says the approach is making a massive impact locally.

Dudley MBC spends over £300m a year on goods, services and works – getting the best service and the best value for residents. So far, so blah.

How about making contracts meaningful? Hiring local companies where possible? And getting community payback with every procurement? Well, that's exactly what Dudley MBC is doing.

We introduced a social value policy in 2019, asking local companies what community benefits they could provide as part of their bid for our business, reflecting the size of their organisation and the value of the contract.

We were after activity which delivered results against the council plan, evaluating potential contracts against the social, economic and environmental impact they may have and specifically focusing on supporting stronger safer communities, creating a greener and cleaner space and growing the economy and creating jobs.

Contracts are assessed on a sliding scale depending on the type of service and value of the contract with bigger contracts expected to deliver more in terms of social value. Social value can account for up to 10% of the criteria to award the contract, so it's in the interests of local businesses to offer more back to their community.

The focus is also very much on keeping trade local and doing business with local companies as much as possible.

The results have been impressive, with perhaps the most significant element being the enthusiasm local businesses have shown to support their communities.

Payback can be service-specific, with Equans, who provide a range of refurbishment works to council homes, installed a dementia friendly bathroom in one of our shared sheltered accommodation properties. With a wireless remote control-shower to regulate temperatures to prevent scalding, muted dementia focus lighting, contrasting floor and wall tiles and paintwork with a matt finish and dementia friendly high-level toilet, grab rails and drop-down bars, this bathroom allows residents to shower safely and with dignity.

Some companies are a natural fit for hands-on community involvement, some prefer to make a significant investment and allow communities themselves to decide what they need. Jewson Partnership Solutions, who are four years into a ten-year competitive dialogue contract with the council have made a retrospective rebate of £20,000 a year to be recycled back into community improvement schemes. Many of these have been delivered via Tenants and Residents Associations providing solutions where there is an identified need. This has paid for things like bollards at the end of alleyways to prevent illegal vehicle access, height restricted gates to prevent illegal access by caravans, clearance and tidying of overgrown areas to help residents feel safer. The team has an enterprise advisor who goes into local colleges and sixth forms with a view to supporting work placements and inspire young people looking for careers in construction. They provide interview training and CV preparation to help young people become job ready, and commit to at least one apprentice in their branch each year.

Overall, contracts tendered in the housing sector alone account for around 10 apprenticeships a year, specifically targeting hard to reach and NEET groups. With each apprenticeship costing around £25,000 a year to salary and deliver, these are generous contributions. And with the added value of providing skill and employability for the borough's young people.

Dudley MBC contracted Alliance Leisure to design and build its brand new state of the art leisure centre which opened in January 2022. Alliance won the £18.1m contract and as part of their commitment to social value focused on keeping investment as local as possible, with 51.3% of spend locally in terms of material and subcontractors, ultimately using 63% local labour. Through their own staff, contractors and consultancy team they also provided a full refurbishment of a local Headway Centre for stroke and brain injury rehabilitation which included a new kitchen including all appliances and a new external hard and soft landscaped area. This donation in kind was valued at around £40,000.

They took on four apprentices for the duration of the build, with all of them remaining in employment. They also diverted 97.7% of waste from landfill and produced just 1.21 tonnes of construction waste per £100k project turnover.

These are just a handful of the projects we've been delivering through our contractors. Our approach is making a massive impact locally, and yet it's seen as a benefit for both parties, not a ‘woke' add-on. Companies are genuinely enthusiastic about giving back and in many cases meeting those people they're serving, making their contributions feel very real and valued. It goes to show that doing good can feel good too.

For more on Dudley Council's social value policy visit: https://www.dudley.gov.uk/business/social-value/social-value-policy/

Shaun Keasey is Dudley MBC's cabinet member for commercialism and human resources


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