Author Profile

Dan Peters

Dan Peters

Articles by Dan Peters

Councils face negative credit rating after Brexit

By Dan Peters | 01 July 2016

Four councils have had their credit rating outlooks downgraded from stable to negative in the wak...

Open scrutiny on government interventions

By Dan Peters | 29 June 2016

Dan Peters examines government intervention in children’s services and asks whether greater trans...

EU result 'must not derail devolution focus'

By Dan Peters | 29 June 2016

Local government has been urged to grasp fresh opportunities for devolution thrown up by Britain’...

London mayor calls for fiscal devo for capital

By Dan Peters | 29 June 2016

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has made a fresh plea for fiscal devolution for the capital in the w...

DCs eye merger options as part of restructure

By Dan Peters | 29 June 2016

Two district councils in Somerset are looking at a possible merger as one of a number of restruct...

A better result for health?

By Sam Clayden | 21 June 2016

With health and social care integration high on the local government agenda, Dan Peters and Sam C...

Transformation – progress in disguise?

By Dan Peters | 21 June 2016

Following the closure of the Public Service Transformation Network, Dan Peters finds out what the...

Equal pay ruling may have 'far-reaching results'

By Dan Peters | 21 June 2016

Equal pay experts have warned a ruling on pension contributions against North Lanarkshire Council...

'Deep anxiety' over complexity of business rates overhaul

By Dan Peters | 21 June 2016

The complexity involved in overhauling the local government finance system is becoming clearer as...

Details of £300m grant 'not in the public interest'

By Dan Peters | 21 June 2016

The Government has refused to publish key details about how its £300m transitional grant was allo...