A council judged to have harassed and discriminated against one of its directors has confirmed it...
Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has pleaded for help from other local authorities ah...
The Government’s approach to distributing compensation to councils for higher National Insurance ...
Trade unions have jointly submitted a pay claim for all council employees to receive a wage rise ...
District councils have criticised the lack of evidence behind the Government’s push for new unita...
The Electoral Commission is pushing ahead with two surveys for returning officers about May's pol...
A unitary council that is less than two years old is seeking exceptional financial support from G...
Almost half of council chief executives have taken up their roles in the last three years, resear...
HMRC has said it does not hold data on employers National Insurance Contribution (NIC) payments r...
Hertsmere BC is seeking interest from an organisation willing to operate Elstree Film Studios, wh...
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