Author Profile

Dan Peters

Dan Peters

Articles by Dan Peters

Council housing to return to met

By Dan Peters | 20 October 2020

Senior Kirklees MBC councillors have approved plans to transfer the management and maintenance of...

LGA board chair hits out at culture secretary

By Dan Peters | 20 October 2020

The chair of the Local Government Association’s (LGA) culture, tourism and sport board has claime...

EXCLUSIVE: IT frustrates district access to shielded patient list

By Dan Peters | 20 October 2020

An IT shambles frustrated government attempts to share the shielded patient list (SPL) directly w...

Reorganisation battle lines drawn over think-tank report

By Dan Peters | 20 October 2020

The bitter war of words between counties and districts over reorganisation stepped up this week a...

EXCLUSIVE: Leaked report warns sector less ready for Brexit transition

By Dan Peters | 20 October 2020

Local government is less ready for the end of the transition period than it was for a no-deal Bre...

Whiteman criticises 'reckless' council

By Dan Peters | 19 October 2020

A council has been criticised for making the first dive into the swaps market decades after a sca...

Exit cap signed into law

By Dan Peters | 15 October 2020

The £95,000 cap on public sector exit payments was signed into law last night and will come into ...

Tax increases more likely than austerity, says Flanders

By Dan Peters | 15 October 2020

A top economist has predicted that tax increases are more likely than another bout of austerity.

Labour would adopt 'local by default' approach

By Dan Peters | 15 October 2020

A Labour government would strike a ‘new settlement between citizens and the state’ and adopt a ‘l...

Lloyd in cyber-attack warning after Hackney hit

By Dan Peters | 14 October 2020

The chief executive of the Local Government Association has warned the consequences of a cyber-at...