Author Profile

Ed Hammond

Articles by Ed Hammond

Open up to scrutiny

By Ed Hammond | 07 May 2019

For many councils scrutiny has failed to live up to its potential, says Ed Hammond. But he hopes...

Risk and commercialisation: Why scrutiny matters

By Ed Hammond | 01 February 2019

Early engagement and streamlining of scrutiny into commercialisation decisions will provide scrut...

Lessons from 'failure'

By Ed Hammond | 24 October 2018

In the context of Northamptonshire’s failure and warnings of other councils on the edge of collap...

The future governance of local enterprise partnerships

By Ed Hammond | 16 January 2017

Local enterprise partnerships are not democratic institutions but with responsibility for signifi...

Devolution's governance hurdle

By Ed Hammond | 02 June 2016

With ministers still harbouring serious concerns around devolution and governance, Ed Hammond say...

Devolution without transparency is pointless

By Ed Hammond | 22 October 2015

Trying to open up, and open out, the devolution process – making it more visible and vital to the...

Scrutiny has a role to play

By Ed Hammond | 31 October 2013

Welfare reform is one of the biggest of the big issues affecting local authorities at the moment.