Author Profile

Blair McPherson

Articles by Blair McPherson

Jon Snow you know nothing

By Blair McPherson | 12 April 2024

Blair McPherson explains how his bid to explain the daunting complexities of how local government...

Bear traps 

By Blair McPherson | 25 March 2024

To escape from a 'bear trap' question in an open question-and-answer session don’t try and come u...

The task of the leader is to convince people it's possible

By Blair McPherson | 02 January 2024

Blair Mcpherson pays tribute to the progress that can be made if a team has a project leader who ...

The best senior managers are tremendous hypocrites

By Blair McPherson | 01 November 2023

If as a manager you have a clear coherent philosophy and a set of values you stick to then you wi...

What if the job is too big? 

By Blair McPherson | 16 October 2023

Sometimes the job is too big for the individual, and sometimes the job is too big for anyone and ...

The sound of overstretched elastic bands snapping?

By Blair McPherson | 02 October 2023

The budget setting process provides an insight into how sensitivity to the political undercurrent...

Chief executives sleep with one eye open

By Blair McPherson | 11 September 2023

Blair Mcpherson says leaders and cabinets get frustrated when the pace of change is seen as too s...

The sheriff and the outlaw

By Blair McPherson | 15 August 2023

Sometimes senior leaders in local government are the sheriffs and sometimes the outlaws, and the ...

Living happily ever smarter 

By Blair McPherson | 21 July 2023

Kissing frogs, slaying dragons, and outwitting wicked witches, it’s all in a days work for a loca...

The importance of brain space

By Blair McPherson | 27 June 2023

Even if the situation is dire it does not necessarily need a major or dramatic intervention - but...