Author Profile

Blair Mcpherson

Articles by Blair Mcpherson

The sheriff and the outlaw

By Blair Mcpherson | 15 August 2023

Sometimes senior leaders in local government are the sheriffs and sometimes the outlaws, and the ...

Living happily ever smarter 

By Blair Mcpherson | 21 July 2023

Kissing frogs, slaying dragons, and outwitting wicked witches, it’s all in a days work for a loca...

The importance of brain space

By Blair Mcpherson | 27 June 2023

Even if the situation is dire it does not necessarily need a major or dramatic intervention - but...

Taking the corporate out of corporate organisations

By Blair Mcpherson | 15 May 2023

If an organisation becomes too corporate it risks losing  specialist skills and knowledge and the...

It's never just business

By Blair Mcpherson | 24 April 2023

A politician’s dream is a robust business case that supports their ideological aspirations, says ...

Almost all managerial careers end in failure

By Blair Mcpherson | 11 April 2023

Managers who are rapidly climbing the career ladder may well get to the top quicker than previous...

Frontline manager buy-in is crucial

By Blair Mcpherson | 09 March 2023

The most effective way of getting frontline manager buy-in to an organisation’s policies is to in...

Everyone wants an inspirational leader

By Blair Mcpherson | 21 February 2023

Organisations seek chief executives who by example set the tone and promote a culture of empowerm...

Jumping on a moving train 

By Blair Mcpherson | 31 January 2023

Blair McPherson compares the experiences facing local government managers who join an underachiev...

Horizon scanners, shapeshifters and Richard Branson

By Blair Mcpherson | 05 January 2023

Blair McPherson looks at how councils can learn from entrepreneur Richard Branson and create the ...