Author Profile

Patrick O’Brien

Articles by Patrick O’Brien

A universal problem

By Patrick O’Brien | 20 June 2018

The National Audit Office has released another damning report on the rollout of Universal Credit....

DWP under fire over Universal Credit

By Patrick O’Brien | 14 June 2018

Auditors have heavily criticised the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for the design and im...

LGA call amid appeals backlog

By Patrick O’Brien | 13 June 2018

More than 133,000 firms are still awaiting appeals of their business rates valuation from 2010 to...

CIPFA hits back at Tesco rates attack

By Patrick O’Brien | 11 June 2018

Finance directors have hit back at criticisms made by big companies that business rates are causi...

A grand plan for the future of care

By Patrick O’Brien | 04 July 2017

With social care firmly on the political agenda, Patrick O’Brien looks at the latest Localis repo...

Homelessness figures a 'stain on nation's conscience'

By Patrick O’Brien | 28 June 2017

New government homelessness figures are a ‘stain on our nation’s conscience,’ the outgoing leader...