Author Profile

John Stewart

Articles by John Stewart

Hello to the bye-laws

By John Stewart | 28 February 2007

New powers to enact bye-laws without Whitehall permission could be a boon to local authorities’ ‘...

Making friends and influencing people

By John Stewart | 10 January 2007

No-one has explained why it was essential to issue the White Paper on local government in October.

Free the mayoral chains

By John Stewart | 20 December 2006

The Government is pushing for directly-elected mayors – and there is talk of directly-elected cab...

Putting a dampener on structure

By John Stewart | 13 December 2006

Few have commented on the local government White Paper’s new option for political structures – th...

Will they learn to listen?

By John Stewart | 08 November 2006

George Jones and John Stewart welcome the Local Government White paper

Bevan's U-turn

By John Stewart | 26 September 2006

In 1954, Labour’s pioneer of the NHS, Aneurin Bevan, wrote an article in the-then Municipal Journ...

Held to accountability

By John Stewart | 11 September 2006

George Jones and John Stewart – who were on the original Layfield Committee looking into local go...