Author Profile

Michael Burton

Michael Burton

Michael Burton is editorial director of The MJ

Articles by Michael Burton

How can the financial settlement meet its deadline?

By Michael Burton | 09 July 2019

The clock is ticking on the countdown to publication of the financial settlement for 2020/21, say...

Councils must fill the vacuum at the top of government

By Michael Burton | 02 July 2019

Some might argue that central Government should be the sector to provide the reassurance to local...

Brokenshire calls for 'new deal for local government'

By Michael Burton | 02 July 2019

Communities secretary James Brokenshire has called on the next Prime Minister to publish a Green ...

Waltham Forest takes top honour at The MJ Achievement Awards

By Michael Burton | 26 June 2019

The London borough of Waltham Forest was last night named the Local Authority of the Year at a gl...

Time to evaluate the real cost of an ageing population

By Michael Burton | 26 June 2019

Recent reports have established that frail old age probably does not start until 80-plus and tha...

Breathing space for next Chancellor

By Michael Burton | 21 June 2019

The public finances continue to be robust, offering the next Chancellor scope for tax cuts or spe...

Can Boris the Brexiteer revert to Boris the inclusive Mayor?

By Michael Burton | 19 June 2019

Mike Burton has two questions. Will Boris bring some of his trusted former local government leade...

Are LA housing companies the way forward?

By Michael Burton | 18 June 2019

Councils are increasingly creating companies to deliver their social housing needs, The MJ and No...

Civil service chief calls for more cross-Whitehall working

By Michael Burton | 14 June 2019

Whitehall chief Sir Mark Sedwill has called for more cross-boundary working among civil servants ...

Jam tomorrow from the Conservative candidates

By Michael Burton | 12 June 2019

As the candidates for election as prime minister are targeting 2% of the voters - namely Conserva...