Author Profile

Graham Duxbury

Articles by Graham Duxbury

Cultivating community is key to our COVID-19 recovery plan

By Graham Duxbury | 02 June 2020

Graham Duxbury believes that as part of a green recovery we must redouble our efforts to ensure t...

Growing the grassroots - putting communities at the heart of place-making

By Graham Duxbury | 07 October 2019

Graham Duxbury of Groundwork says a new survey of community groups reveals the gap is growing bet...

We need to invest in community action to deliver on environmental promises

By Graham Duxbury | 23 July 2019

Graham Duxbury says Michael Gove’s recent speech on the Environment Bill missed out the education...

Can community cure the loneliness epidemic?

By Graham Duxbury | 17 April 2018

Graham Duxbury argues that the voluntary sector is central to addressing isolation and loneliness.

Community capacity and the role of the state

By Graham Duxbury | 28 June 2017

Most council transformation plans feature a section on ‘community capacity building,’ but what do...