Tony Kirkham looks at the possible reasons for increases in demand and costs for children's servi...
Tony Kirkham supports apprenticeships but says they must be developed in all shapes and sizes so ...
Tony Kirkham says it is vital councils do not use additional social care cash to put off the evil...
In the Chinese year of the rooster, Tony Kirkham explains why councils must be trustworthy, hard-...
Local government must think differently about business rates retention or communities will suffer...
Councils are unsure what they will look like in three years' time but community engagement is hel...
Serious national uncertainty means councils face an uphill struggle to submit efficiency plans, s...
Tony Kirkham asks what a local football team being in the Premier League does for a region's econ...
Public concern about shrinking services persists and councils must learn to take communities with...
Director of resources at Newcastle City Council, Tony Kirkham, on the local government finance of...
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