Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

Borough threatens legal action against county

By MJ Correspondent | 12 March 2014

A senior borough councillor has suggested his authority could launch a legal challenge against hi...

Fears raised over judicial review costs

By MJ Correspondent | 12 March 2014

Legal experts have warned against plans to substantially increase the cost of judicial reviews.

An unspent force

By MJ Correspondent | 12 March 2014

The NAO will have a positive role for local government in the post Audit Commission era, Sue Higg...

Chiefs call for land charges rethink

By MJ Correspondent | 12 March 2014

Plans to centralise local land charges should be reconsidered, council chief executives have urged.

Police refuse to rule out widening Lancashire/BT probe to Liverpool

By MJ Correspondent | 12 March 2014

Police have refused to rule out widening their probe into suspected financial irregularities invo...

Council plans to generate millions through JVC

By MJ Correspondent | 12 March 2014

Millions of pounds of external investment are expected to be generated by a council through estab...

Procurement framework for pension funds moves step closer

By MJ Correspondent | 12 March 2014

A new national procurement framework that hopes to help local government pension scheme (LGPS) fu...

Third tier calls for business rates cash boost

By MJ Correspondent | 12 March 2014

Town and parish councils are fighting for a share of business rates so they can increase the infl...

Funding cuts branded catastrophic by care charity

By MJ Correspondent | 06 March 2014

Cuts in Government funding for social care have forced councils into introducing tight rationing ...

Council websites 'not adapting' to mobile

By MJ Correspondent | 06 March 2014

Council websites are struggling to adapt fast enough to the rapid growth in the use of mobiles, a...