Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

'Unworkable' proposed changes to job protection slammed by chiefs

By MJ Correspondent | 16 January 2014

The proposed overhaul of measures designed to protect council officials when they are being ouste...

Multi-agency work 'showing progress' within Coventry

By MJ Correspondent | 16 January 2014

Efforts to improve multi-agency working in Coventry have been made in the wake of the Daniel Pelk...

Taxing delay for councils

By MJ Correspondent | 16 January 2014

Councils could be forced to rip up budgets at the last moment after the announcement of the counc...

Lewis insists councils' sustainability safeguarded

By MJ Correspondent | 15 January 2014

Local government minister Brandon Lewis has insisted there are ‘rigorous safeguards in place to p...

Labour mulling over speed of finance system overhaul

By MJ Correspondent | 15 January 2014

Labour is wrestling with how quickly to reform the local government finance system if it is elect...

Research reveals New Homes Bonus failing to encourage new build

By MJ Correspondent | 15 January 2014

Councils are still finding it hard to boost house building in their areas despite the New Homes B...

Authorities must be 'heart' of care and health integration

By MJ Correspondent | 15 January 2014

Councils must be at the ‘heart’ of the integration of care and health services, local government ...

Fall predicted in council tax collection rates

By MJ Correspondent | 09 January 2014

The financial impact on local authorities of falling council tax collection rates could be as muc...

Councils defend social media use

By MJ Correspondent | 09 January 2014

Councils have defended their use of social media after an attack by The Taxpayers’ Alliance.

Taylor pours water on DHP accusation

By MJ Correspondent | 09 January 2014

Councils have rejected an MP’s claim that they are holding on to money for discretionary housing ...