Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

'Radical' move branded a success

By MJ Correspondent | 04 September 2013

Newham LBC has hailed a scheme to crack down on rogue landlords as an example for other councils ...

Unison urges end to local cuts

By MJ Correspondent | 04 September 2013

A call for no more local government cuts will be made by trade union Unison at the TUC’s annual c...

Union action may delay council reforms

By MJ Correspondent | 04 September 2013

Long-delayed local government reforms in Northern Ireland could be held up further after a union ...

Exit amid 'culture of fear' claims

By MJ Correspondent | 04 September 2013

The chief executive of the company at the centre of an investigation into its work with Lancashir...

Bolton rivals unite over budget fears

By MJ Correspondent | 04 September 2013

The leaders of all three parties at Bolton MBC have united to call on Eric Pickles to rethink his...

Derbyshire chief hits back at Pickles

By MJ Correspondent | 04 September 2013

A county council chief executive has hit back at claims by Eric Pickles that local authorities ar...

DCLG leading way in lowering headcount

By MJ Correspondent | 04 September 2013

The DCLG is racing ahead of other Westminster counterparts in efforts to cut its workforce, accor...

Blow to three-council plan

By MJ Correspondent | 04 September 2013

The interim joint chief executive of Breckland and South Holland DCs will leave after failing to ...

Call for integration of migrants

By MJ Correspondent | 04 September 2013

The Government should focus on integrating migrants into communities instead of statistics, a thi...

Greens look into leaked tax plans

By MJ Correspondent | 04 September 2013

An idea to introduce a ‘progressive council tax’ that would lead to rich households paying more i...