Author Profile

Julie Towers

Articles by Julie Towers

Is Black Lives Matter making a difference?

By Julie Towers | 08 June 2021

Managing director of Penna Julie Towers reflects on the rightful and renewed focus on diversity a...

Unprecedented, but definitely not on Mute

By Julie Towers | 20 January 2021

Julie Towers of Penna looks back on 2020 and the legacy impact on the people agenda.

From good to great

By Julie Towers | 07 October 2020

In the wake of The MJ’s successful virtual achievement awards last week, Penna’s Julie Towers tak...

What makes senior leadership teams great?

By Julie Towers | 19 August 2020

Although the winner won't be known until 2 October, Julie Towers of Penna presents a round-up of ...

Test, test, test the tech!

By Julie Towers | 24 June 2020

Managing director of Penna Julie Towers offers some key observations on virtual recruitment, and ...

Will COVID-19 mean we tackle poor leadership head-on?

By Julie Towers | 13 May 2020

COVID-19 has put leadership right in the spotlight, says Julie Towers. The early findings of the...

Recruiting in the coronavirus crisis

By Julie Towers | 25 March 2020

How do you adapt to attract talent during the coronavirus crisis? Penna’s Julie Towers shares her...

In recruitment the art is more important that the science

By Julie Towers | 04 December 2018

Julie Towers advocates rigorous assessment and due diligence to test the suitability, experience ...

Let's not waste top talent

By Julie Towers | 01 August 2018

Through my work in the recruitment and transition of leaders I see first-hand the importance of r...

Regardless of leadership style, being human is essential

By Julie Towers | 19 July 2017

Following the leadership response to the Grenfell tragedy, Julie Towers says the human touch is a...