Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Care bosses hail integration opportunities

By Jamie Hailstone | 16 October 2013

Care bosses have hailed the integration of health and care services as an ‘opportunity for social...

Financial penalty call for slow-moving planners

By Jamie Hailstone | 16 October 2013

Councils should face financial penalties if they fail to adopt local plans, the British Property ...

Report: DWP 'over-estimated' bedroom tax savings

By Jamie Hailstone | 16 October 2013

New research has claimed the Government may have over-estimated the savings likely to be generate...

Bournemouth BC could offer mortgages

By Jamie Hailstone | 15 October 2013

Bournemouth BC looks set to become the latest local authority to offer mortgages with plans to se...

Building groups to repay workers

By Jamie Hailstone | 15 October 2013

Plans to offer compensation to blacklisted workers by eight local government contractors have bee...

Council to review care packages

By Jamie Hailstone | 14 October 2013

Telford and Wrekin Council has announced it plans to review every new and existing care package.

Rochdale leader defends pay rise

By Jamie Hailstone | 11 October 2013

The leader of Rochdale MBC has defended a decision to award chief executive Jim Taylor a £40,000 ...

IBM extends Smarter Cities programme

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 October 2013

Computing giant IBM has extended its Smarter Cities programme for another year.

MP: Scrap city council's Capita partnership

By Jamie Hailstone | 09 October 2013

A Birmingham MP has called for the city council’s partnership with Capita to be scrapped.

Home care comes under scrutiny

By Jamie Hailstone | 09 October 2013

The issue of how councils manage home care services has come under fresh scrutiny.