Author Profile

MJ reporter

Articles by MJ reporter

Council asks residents what it should cut

By MJ reporter | 08 August 2013

Cheshire West and Chester Council is to seek public opinion on the way it delivers local services...

Councils warned over broadband funding

By MJ reporter | 08 August 2013

Councils that refuse to disclose how they will use cash earmarked for improved broadband services...

Cash to help councils deal with homelessness

By MJ reporter | 08 August 2013

Communities minister Don Foster has allocated £1.9m to tackle councils’ over-use of bed and break...

'Use Lottery cash to help council funds'

By MJ reporter | 08 August 2013

The chief executive of the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) has called for cash from the...

London Councils: Crisis cuts hit vulnerable

By MJ reporter | 08 August 2013

Abolition of a national scheme of emergency financial support for benefit claimants has left a ‘l...

'Ofsted must do more to improve confidence'

By MJ reporter | 08 August 2013

Ofsted must do more to ensure the early years sector has confidence in its inspection regime, ind...

Councils fear loss of influence under welfare reforms

By MJ reporter | 07 August 2013

Local authorities fear their role in protecting tenancies and managing local housing markets coul...

Council recovers cash from illegal scam

By MJ reporter | 07 August 2013

East Hertfordshire DC has received a further £183,000 from the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SO...