Author Profile

Tom Stannard

Tom Stannard

Tom Stannard is Tom Stannard is corporate director, regeneration and economic growth at Wakefield Council and former director of economy and skills at Oldham MBC

Articles by Tom Stannard

Clearing the precipice

By Tom Stannard | 08 July 2015

Throwing cash at the young is no good if you’re seeking a better employment and skills system for...

The dawn of Devo Max

By Tom Stannard | 14 May 2015

Evidence-based devolution of employment and skills services can start to tackle the lack of skill...

What's on offer for employment and skills?

By Tom Stannard | 27 April 2015

The political parties’ manifestos largely ignored the issues of training. Tom Stannard sets out w...

Matching words with action - setting an agenda for lifelong learning

By Tom Stannard | 19 March 2015

The cross-party consensus now visible on the economic necessity of lifelong learning must be deli...

Onwards and upwards

By Tom Stannard | 17 February 2015

Tom Stannard outlines the progress the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education is lookin...

A work in progress

By Tom Stannard | 11 November 2014

With investment in skills being primarily targeted at those under 24, and a rapidly changing econ...

Building the STEM careers of the future

By Tom Stannard | 10 June 2014

Tom Stannard outlines how local enterprise partnerships and employers must drive the national tra...

Report shows extent of sexism in local government

By Tom Stannard | 21 May 2014

Women in local government often face ‘sexist, offensive and derogatory remarks’ putting them off ...

Come together for skills provision

By Tom Stannard | 18 March 2014

Tom Stannard argues councils, colleges and LEPs should build alliances to make most of limited sk...

Time for us to show our skills

By Tom Stannard | 05 March 2014

Tom Stannard asks if the recent funding announcement spells disaster or opportunity for LEPs and ...