Jonathan Werran says the new monarch King Charles III should be viewed as a genuine localism cham...
Jonathan Werran says that, whatever and whoever is running the show after next year’s General Ele...
We need new local stories and narratives of empowerment to make devolution come alive for communi...
Greater collaboration across central and local government and wider industry to embed sustainable...
Localis chief executive Jonathan Werran breaks down a new report on how local government can take...
Climate change and extreme weather conditions require a long-term, whole-place response to mitiga...
The brand of compassionate Conservatism the new Prime Minister has outlined and has determined to...
The Connected Society toolkit represents an early attempt to marry an understanding of levelling ...
Jonathan Werran asks if the political need for a short-term fix on growth policy obscures the eco...
Jonathan Werran pays tribute to the local and personal impact of our longest-serving monarch thro...
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