Author Profile

William Eichler

Articles by William Eichler

Give mayors 'significant' housing and planning powers

By William Eichler | 31 October 2016

The new wave of metro mayors set to be elected in May should be granted 'significant powers' over...

Javid open to returning taxi powers to Rotherham

By William Eichler | 20 October 2016

The communities secretary has proposed handing back the power to issue taxi driver licences to Ro...

Welsh councils get 'stability' budget

By William Eichler | 20 October 2016

The Welsh local government secretary has announced more than £4bn of funding for councils in a bi...

Greening unveils £60m social mobility fund

By William Eichler | 05 October 2016

Justine Greening has unveiled a £60m fund to improve social mobility in six 'opportunity areas'.

Lord Porter 'schizophrenic' on mayors

By William Eichler | 04 October 2016

The point of a metro mayor is to ‘take the blame’ if something goes wrong, Local Government Assoc...

North Lincolnshire plans to 'delete' senior team

By William Eichler | 28 September 2016

A major shake-up of North Lincolnshire Council’s executive management structure will save the cou...

Government committed to £95k exit cap

By William Eichler | 26 September 2016

The Government remains committed to its plans to cap all public sector exit payments at £95,000 d...

Brexit poses 'severe' risk to care sector

By William Eichler | 21 September 2016

Care services could be at risk as Brexit fuels uncertainty about the status of tens of thousands ...

Council apologises after girls' deaths

By William Eichler | 15 September 2016

Sunderland City Council has apologised ‘strongly and unreservedly’ after an independent review di...

Misconduct laws in need of reform, say experts

By William Eichler | 05 September 2016

The law governing misconduct in public office is ‘unclear, ambiguous and in need of reform’, the ...