Grants made by Birmingham City Council from a £300m fund allocated to the region’s local enterpri...
Bolton MBC's leader has defended plans to borrow £100m to fund a £1bn regeneration project.
The shadow home secretary Diane Abbott has called on the Government to send commissioners into Ke...
Hampshire CC has agreed to cut nearly £56m from its adult social care budget as part of plans to ...
The Work and Pensions Committee will take evidence on Universal Credit from the department's secr...
The Government’s welfare policy is preventing councils from effectively tackling homelessness, a ...
Dumfries & Galloway Council’s £250,000 investigation into the failings of a sports and leisure ce...
Plymouth City Council must take ‘urgent action’ to improve the quality of its elections staff aft...
Vodafone has called on central and local government to create ‘digital enterprise zones’ across E...
Communities secretary Sajid Javid has launched a green paper on social housing in the aftermath o...
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