Unison Scotland has launched the first major test of new trade union legislation by balloting sta...
Council pension schemes face a nervous wait to discover whether US president Donald Trump will wi...
Local authority pension schemes continue to battle for a share of £700m from bailed out lender, RBS.
Government plans to intensify the use of deferred payments for social care costs could be stymied...
Cheshire East Council has claimed victory in a landmark legal case despite being forced to allow ...
Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is still a ‘massive’ challenge for councils and should not be tre...
A breakaway group of councils is poised to rejoin the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (C...
Councils cannot be complacent and must continue to invest in cyber-security to cope with the sort...
Council borrowing from the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) continued to soar in April, with author...
The giant Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is now 85.3% funded according to its latest valu...
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