Vibrant high streets need vibrant cities and towns

By Andrew Carter | 07 December 2020

The fundamental cause of high street decline is simple: a lack of local spending power, says And...


EXCLUSIVE: How are districts surviving the pandemic?

By Dan Peters | 10 November 2020

A recent report has revealed the relative impact of the pandemic on districts’ economic vulnerabi...


Don't defund, side-line or worse still abolish metro-mayors

By Andrew Carter | 26 October 2020

While it may not realise it now, the Government needs powerful and prominent metro mayors if it i...


Cities have 'gone backwards towards a centralising tendency'

By Ann McGauran | 07 October 2020

Cities have ‘gone backwards’ towards a centralising tendency in response to COVID-19 and in rela...


Where next for high streets and city centres?

By Ann McGauran | 06 October 2020

The Towns Fund selection process was controversial, but high streets and city centres face a bigg...


Five ways to be ahead of the curve

By Sean Anstee | 23 September 2020

Ruth Morgan and Sean Anstee put forward five recommendations to consider when putting together pr...


No sign of workers returning to city centres

By Andrew Carter | 14 September 2020

The latest data from Centre for Cities' High Streets Recovery Tracker shows no movement at all in...


Helping city centres thrive post-COVID

By Andrew Carter | 05 August 2020

Concern for our high streets has been exacerbated by the pandemic - but this time it is big citie...


We must provide Luton with a bright future

By Cllr Hazel Simmons | 26 July 2020

Luton BC has agreed a ‘drastic’ emergency budget of £22m savings, and will ‘continue to bang loud...


Let's not paper over the cracks

By Nathan Elvery | 14 July 2020

Nathan Elvery examines the impact of spending cuts on councils and communities over a decade and ...


Leaving Care Group Manager

From £56,433 up to £64,951 per annum plus relocation support

As Group Manager you will have responsibility for the Leaving Care Team and Young People’s Refugee and Asylum Seeker Team. Apply for this job

North Yorkshire Council

Head of Finance

£87,546 - £95,092 per annum

We’re looking for a strong, visible, and inspirational leader to join us at Powys County Council. Apply for this job

Powys County Council

Director of Environment and Regulatory Services

: £98,989 to £109,529 per annum plus relocation support

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City of York Council


Leaving Care Group Manager

From £56,433 up to £64,951 per annum plus relocation support

As Group Manager you will have responsibility for the Leaving Care Team and Young People’s Refugee and Asylum Seeker Team. Apply for this job

North Yorkshire Council

Head of Finance

£87,546 - £95,092 per annum

We’re looking for a strong, visible, and inspirational leader to join us at Powys County Council. Apply for this job

Powys County Council

Director of Environment and Regulatory Services

: £98,989 to £109,529 per annum plus relocation support

Welcome and thank you for your interest in learning more about City of York Council. Apply for this job

City of York Council