The Carbon Reduction Commitment represents a major landmark in the Government’s efforts to get la...
London in Bloom judges visiting Lewisham LBC last week saw the latest weapon in the borough’s eco...
Greater Manchester first, party differences second. That has been one of the reasons why the city...
A local government procurement expert has called on councils managers to ‘get serious’ about the ...
The Government is putting more statutory requirements on councils to tackle climate change. But a...
Critics complain it is snooping and a waste of public money, but this week saw an undeniably clev...
Bridgend CBC claims it will ‘not fail to take action’ on food safety in the wake of the E.coli ou...
As pressure builds within councils to tackle climate change, it is becoming clear that many leade...
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director for Planning, Economy & Culture... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for an experienced Housing and Community professional to join our leadership team... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director (Practice, Improvement and Quality)... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director for Planning, Economy & Culture... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for an experienced Housing and Community professional to join our leadership team... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director (Practice, Improvement and Quality)... Apply for this job