Prime Minister Gordon Brown has ignored calls for a windfall tax on profits from energy firms in ...
Stephen Cirell and John Bennett look at the implications of the Government’s plans for carbon red...
The Environment Agency must police waste contractors better to ensure waste is not dumped abroad ...
Warwickshire CC has been weather-watching to see how it affects its services.
Schools in Gloucestershire missed out on £1m of flood relief funding from the Government because...
A solicitor has won his war on waste against his local council.
With credit crunching, gas prices exploding and general economic gloominess, many residents, espe...
District councils are well-placed to make their contribution to tackling climate change say Steph...
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director for Planning, Economy & Culture... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for an experienced Housing and Community professional to join our leadership team... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director (Practice, Improvement and Quality)... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director for Planning, Economy & Culture... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for an experienced Housing and Community professional to join our leadership team... Apply for this job
Wokingham Borough Council are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Service Director (Practice, Improvement and Quality)... Apply for this job