Combined authority hires ex-Downing Street adviser

By Dan Peters | 18 December 2017

A former No 10 policy unit adviser has been hired as West Midlands Combined Authority’s (WMCA) di...


'Push ahead with devo until you're told to stop'

By Sam Clayden | 14 December 2017

Local leaders should keep pushing the limits of devolution until they are told to stop, the chief...


Pressure growing on DCLG as Fair Funding wait goes on

By Mark Conrad | 14 December 2017

Ahead of next week’s finance settlement, local government has been warned it faces a longer-than-...


DCLG staff morale on the rise

By Victor Smart | 13 December 2017

The latest staff survey at the Department of Communities and Local Government shows morale has ri...


Auditors in fresh LEP warning

By Sam Clayden | 30 November 2017

A National Audit Office (NAO) report on the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough (GCGP) LEP has...


Chiefs lobby for extra grant freedom

By Dan Peters | 29 November 2017

Council chief executives are lobbying for greater freedom on when to spend the extra £42m in Disa...


Private rented sector key to reducing homelessness

By Hiba Mahamadi | 28 November 2017

An unregulated private rented sector is the main reason for a rise in homelessness, the mayor of ...


Rates retention working group suspended

By Dan Peters | 23 November 2017

The joint Whitehall-sector responsibilities working group is expected to be suspended after takin...


Gwynne urges rates relief data review

By Mark Conrad | 21 November 2017

Marsham Street’s plan to name and shame councils failing to deliver business rates relief has tur...


Javid rejects DCLG capacity fears

By Michael Burton | 21 November 2017

Communities secretary Sajid Javid has rejected accusations that his Whitehall department is too s...


Highways Service Manager

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Transforming Cities Fund Project Delivery Manager

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Highways Service Manager

£50,512 - £53,701

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North Northamptonshire Council

Project Delivery Manager

Grade 11 (£54,628 to £59,825)

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Sheffield City Council

Transforming Cities Fund Project Delivery Manager

£55,056 - £63,367

We are seeking a dynamic and experienced Project Delivery Manager to join the Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) team. Apply for this job

North Yorkshire Council