Can technology help secure the future for local authorities?

By Jonathan House | 06 June 2018

Following the annual Local State We're In survey, PwC's Jonathan House says councils face a toug...


Local government is 130 years old, but will it see its next decade?

By Abdool Kara | 29 May 2018

The NHS's 70th birthday has been given significant news coverage, but Abdool Kara warns local gov...


CIPFA plea on LEP principles

By Dan Peters | 14 May 2018

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) has appealed for help as it dra...


Dawes: MHCLG could improve Whitehall engagement

By Dan Peters | 14 May 2018

Marsham Street’s most senior civil servant has admitted the department could be more structured i...


Auditor General takes swipe at Whitehall

By Mark Conrad | 02 May 2018

Sir Amyas Morse warns departmental ‘lack of insight’ on local finance threatens services


Future Forum: Councils must heed auditor warnings

By Mark Conrad | 27 April 2018

Local government could make the same compelling case for fresh Whitehall cash as the health secto...


LGA strikes £20m improvement deal

By Dan Peters | 10 April 2018

Whitehall is looking to strengthen the sector-led improvement regime in its latest £20m deal with...


Chancellor misses yet another opportunity

By Stephen Houghton | 13 March 2018

Steve Houghton says time is fast running out for local government finance.


Council finances are becoming truly unsustainable

By Mark Conrad | 12 March 2018

Mark Conrad digs into the underlying data behind the NAO's latest report on council finances and ...


'Big variances' in financial sustainability

By Dan Peters | 08 March 2018

There are ‘big variances’ in how equipped councils are to respond to the financial challenges the...


Legal Services Manager & Deputy Monitoring Officer

£52,381 - £54,523 per annum (pay award pending)

Mansfield District Council is offering an exciting opportunity for an experienced Lawyer. Apply for this job

Mansfield District Council

Assistant Director of Streetscene, Community Safety and Enforcement

£63,391 - £70,094 per annum (pay award pending)

Our corporate vision is to be a dynamic, self sufficient and flexible Council that delivers excellent services Apply for this job

Bolsover District Council

Director of Culture, Leisure, and Tourism

£101,916 & benefits

Southend-on-Sea is a place like no other. Apply for this job

Southend-on-Sea City Council


Legal Services Manager & Deputy Monitoring Officer

£52,381 - £54,523 per annum (pay award pending)

Mansfield District Council is offering an exciting opportunity for an experienced Lawyer. Apply for this job

Mansfield District Council

Assistant Director of Streetscene, Community Safety and Enforcement

£63,391 - £70,094 per annum (pay award pending)

Our corporate vision is to be a dynamic, self sufficient and flexible Council that delivers excellent services Apply for this job

Bolsover District Council

Director of Culture, Leisure, and Tourism

£101,916 & benefits

Southend-on-Sea is a place like no other. Apply for this job

Southend-on-Sea City Council