A top children’s services director has called for the ‘very highly regarded’ mental health suppor...
Rather than waiting for CAMHS capacity to become available, innovative local areas need to interv...
Rising housing pressures will force some councils to effectively declare bankruptcy, a local auth...
Fresh calls have been made for ministers to increase local housing allowance (LHA) after research...
The funding system for local government has ‘broken down’ and what councils currently receive fro...
England’s top director of children’s services has called for a greater focus on prevention amid s...
Bassetlaw DC and its partners were hoping that the cost of living crisis would start to ease, but...
Pressure is mounting on ministers to delay police plans to withdraw from attending non-emergency ...
The High Court has found the Home Office’s use of hotels to house lone child asylum seekers to be...
Planned cuts to staffing levels risk driving Integrated Care Boards (ICB) to look inwards over th...
Cheshire East is a big borough with huge potential. Apply for this job
As Group Manager you will have responsibility for the Leaving Care Team and Young People’s Refugee and Asylum Seeker Team. Apply for this job
We’re looking for a strong, visible, and inspirational leader to join us at Powys County Council. Apply for this job
Cheshire East is a big borough with huge potential. Apply for this job
As Group Manager you will have responsibility for the Leaving Care Team and Young People’s Refugee and Asylum Seeker Team. Apply for this job
We’re looking for a strong, visible, and inspirational leader to join us at Powys County Council. Apply for this job