Going local is

05 September 2006

Capital ideas

05 September 2006

Image conscious

05 September 2006


05 September 2006

In defence of..

05 September 2006

City beat

05 September 2006

Looks good on paper

05 September 2006

£16m sports signing

05 September 2006

Catalyst for change

05 September 2006

Head of Regeneration, Property and Local Economy

£76,211 - £89,527 per annum

If you want to make a difference in your next role this is one for you. Apply for this job

Bedford Borough Council

Executive Director of People Services

£147,676 - £157,619 (pay award pending)

As a young and ambitious unitary authority, West Northamptonshire Council is an exciting place to work. Apply for this job

West Northamptonshire Council

Legal & Democratic Services Divisional Manager (Monitoring Officer)

Up to £88,183 per annum plus relocation package

Step into a leadership role managing a strong legal team in a fast-moving, politically dynamic environment Apply for this job

Chichester District Council


Head of Regeneration, Property and Local Economy

£76,211 - £89,527 per annum

If you want to make a difference in your next role this is one for you. Apply for this job

Bedford Borough Council

Executive Director of People Services

£147,676 - £157,619 (pay award pending)

As a young and ambitious unitary authority, West Northamptonshire Council is an exciting place to work. Apply for this job

West Northamptonshire Council

Legal & Democratic Services Divisional Manager (Monitoring Officer)

Up to £88,183 per annum plus relocation package

Step into a leadership role managing a strong legal team in a fast-moving, politically dynamic environment Apply for this job

Chichester District Council