Peak performance

The public sector is always up for a challenge – so we have a new one: taking part in the National Three Peaks Challenge to fundraise for Cancer Research UK

The public sector is always up for a challenge – so we have a new one: taking part in the National Three Peaks Challenge to fundraise for Cancer Research UK

Local government is always up for a challenge but the last few years have been more challenging than most.

Since the very start of the pandemic public services have been at their best, protecting communities, shielding the vulnerable and saving lives. As the Covid crisis eased, it has been rapidly followed by a cost of living crisis impacting on staff, residents and services. Throughout all these challenges, public services have come together, stepping up to provide vital services against all odds – showing just what can be achieved when everyone works together.

The public sector is always up for a challenge – so we have a new one: taking part in the National Three Peaks Challenge to fundraise for Cancer Research UK

Local government is always up for a challenge but the last few years have been more challenging than most.

Since the very start of the pandemic public services have been at their best, protecting communities, shielding the vulnerable and saving lives. As the Covid crisis eased, it has been rapidly followed by a cost of living crisis impacting on staff, residents and services. Throughout all these challenges, public services have come together, stepping up to provide vital services against all odds – showing just what can be achieved when everyone works together.

Now we are asking the public sector to come together again – this time for a charity challenge in 2023, to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

The Public Sector National Three Peaks Challenge will see teams from across local government, the wider public sector and private sector partners come together to tackle a different kind of challenge – climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowden, all in the space of 24 hours.

Chief executive of Brentwood BC and Rochford DC, Jonathan Stephenson, devised the plan after leading his own team on a similar – if somewhat smaller – challenge last year.

In 2022, 30 employees from the council raised more than £12,000 for local charities when they took on the Three Peaks Yorkshire challenge – a 26 mile walk and climb over 10 hours.

Why stop there? This year, Jonathan has teamed up with The MJ, Solace, the Local Government Association and Socitm and is planning to climb the three highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales – alongside as many public sector staff and their partners as possible.

This time, the plan is to raise £50,000 or more – and you can get involved.

You can take on the full challenge over 24 hours or longer. You can just climb one of the national peaks – or Slieve Donard for those wanting to take part in Northern Ireland. You can choose one of the smaller challenges – the Yorkshire Three Peaks or the Surrey Three Peaks. Or you can even just climb to the height of the peaks at home or in the office on the stairs – it is up to you how you take part.

Jonathan is leading his team on 29-30 June 2023 – but other events will take place throughout the year. Share your training, and your achievements and be part of the wider public sector challenge.

‘Cancer has touched all of our lives,' says Jonathan. ‘Whether that is our own experience or a family member, friend or work colleague. We may also know someone who has lost their battle with cancer. That is why we have chosen Cancer Research UK as the charity we are fundraising for.

‘Let us come together in 2023 as a sector, push ourselves, support and motivate each other to reach these heights together and raise as much money for this worthy charity as possible.'

Graeme McDonald, managing director of the peaks challenge partner Solace, says: ‘This is a fantastic opportunity for local government to come together around a shared cause. Raising much needed money for Cancer Research UK, while showcasing the heart and passion of the sector will be incredible. Council staff rise to challenges each and every day, this will be no different.'

Jess Allchin, relationship manager at Cancer Research UK, has offered her thanks to all those who want to be involved in the fundraising. She says: ‘Cancer Research UK has made enormous progress in the fight against the disease. However, we have only been able to do this thanks to the dedication of our supporters without whom we would not be able to fund our vital work.

‘One in two of us will get cancer in our lifetime. All of us can support the research that will beat it'

If you want to join the challenge, or if you just want to find out more, you can register your interest using the link below. You can create your own team, and get promoting the challenge.

And if you can't take part, you can join in by promoting or donating – just use the hashtag #PublicSector3Peaks

For more information on this year's Challenge visit


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