A Pathway to Work

Richard Stubbs says working together across sectors to improve good health through good employment is fundamental to tackling economic inactivity, regionally and beyond

(c) Ground Picture /

Our region Yorkshire & Humber has the third lowest employment rate in England. Long-term sickness affects one in six of the UK workforce and costing the UK £180bn annually in health-related economic inactivity. Our Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber white paper engaged with council representatives, leaders, and directors of public health and it illustrates the profound impact of economic inactivity on our region's population and economic output. Our new government has outlined its commitment to kickstarting economic growth but what our work has outlined is the bi-directional link between growth and health, and the need to improve the health of the population if these long-standing productivity, inactivity, and economic challenges are to be addressed. 

In secure and supportive environments, employment can enhance health and guard against social exclusion. Conversely, unemployment and poor-quality jobs contribute to adverse health outcomes, including chronic pain, mental health disorders, and cardiovascular diseases. The ripple effects of employment extend beyond individuals to families and communities, shaping overall public health. 

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