Action on climate crisis

Watch The MJ and Local Partnerships pre COP26 webinar series designed for local authorities seeking to accelerate their action against the climate crisis through practical solutions.

The MJ and Local Partnerships will jointly host a webinar series in the run up to COP26, designed for local authorities seeking to accelerate their action on the climate crisis through practical solutions.

It uses the experience of Local Partnerships and The MJ, and features insights and delivery advice from the local authorities who submitted outstanding applications to the 2021 MJ Award: Leadership in responding to the climate emergency.

We are holding a series of webinars on three successive Mondays from 11am – 12pm, focused on the acceleration of climate action.

The first webinar, on Monday 4 October, covered the identification and use of data to drive action, resource-effective procurement and removal of barriers to action. You can watch it back here.

Action on climate crisis webinar one: The MJ and Local Partnerships from Local Partnerships on Vimeo.

The second webinar, on Monday 11 October, covered the importance of robust business case development, decision making and programme governance. It will be available here soon. 

The third and final webinar, on Monday 18 October, will be devoted to a spotlight on ensuring your energy supplies are genuinely renewable and maximising the benefits of area-wide energy planning.

Register for the webinar here.


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