Author Profile

Heather Jameson

Heather Jameson

Heather Jameson is editor of The MJ, the leading weekly local government title for chief executives and senior managers, and of She is a regular speaker at both local government events and is co-host of the podcast Our World is Local. Heather was a member of the Councillors’ Commission, chaired by Professor Colin Copus of De Montfort University, and is a passionate advocate of local government.

Articles by Heather Jameson

Editor's comment: Conferences and those pesky elections

By Heather Jameson | 12 September 2013

Autumn must surely be on its way, which means only one thing – party conference season is here.

Low pay is damaging the economy, says union

By Heather Jameson | 06 September 2013

A culture of low wages in councils is damaging local economies, according to a survey by Unison.

Editor's view: It would be a shame to sacrifice census

By Heather Jameson | 05 September 2013

The sun may still be shining, but the holiday is definitely over this week as the schools start u...

LGA warns of school places shortfall

By Heather Jameson | 04 September 2013

Local government leaders are calling for a dramatic shift in government policy in a bid to meet t...

Bridging the economic divide

By Heather Jameson | 04 September 2013

Heather Jameson talks to Newcastle City Chief executive Pat Ritchie about the challenges of fulfi...

Leeds plan to set up trading firm

By Heather Jameson | 04 September 2013

Leeds City Council is using powers of charging and trading to set up a new company in a plan whic...

Exclusive: Doncaster aims to go it alone to provide children's services

By Heather Jameson | 15 August 2013

Doncaster MBC has asked the Government to let it set up its own children’s trust as it claims the...

Budget cuts and battered lives

By Heather Jameson | 15 August 2013

Heather Jameson on maximum expenditure limits and rationing in a post-dependency era.

The editor's view: Stop censuring councils

By Heather Jameson | 08 August 2013

Blame is an odd thing. Sometimes it is well deserved, but it doesn’t always get placed where it b...

Great work - but there's more to do

By Heather Jameson | 01 August 2013

Congratulations to local government.