Autumn must surely be on its way, which means only one thing – party conference season is here.
A culture of low wages in councils is damaging local economies, according to a survey by Unison.
The sun may still be shining, but the holiday is definitely over this week as the schools start u...
Local government leaders are calling for a dramatic shift in government policy in a bid to meet t...
Heather Jameson talks to Newcastle City Chief executive Pat Ritchie about the challenges of fulfi...
Leeds City Council is using powers of charging and trading to set up a new company in a plan whic...
Doncaster MBC has asked the Government to let it set up its own children’s trust as it claims the...
Heather Jameson on maximum expenditure limits and rationing in a post-dependency era.
Blame is an odd thing. Sometimes it is well deserved, but it doesn’t always get placed where it b...
Congratulations to local government.
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