Birmingham City Council chief executive Stephen Hughes has a neat analogy to explain the forthcom...
This is a week of launches for The MJ.
The Public Accounts Committee released four reports last week, slating the progress made by the T...
As the party conference season draws to a close, we can hopefully shut the door on some of the mo...
The Mayor of Liverpool City Council has warned the authority will only be able to run mandatory s...
Doncaster MBC will be allowed to set up its own children’s trust, the Government has ruled, in a ...
The BT executive who worked across joint venture deals with Lancashire CC and Liverpool City Coun...
Some of the counties’ biggest council jobs have changed hands this week, as Westminster, Cardiff ...
Stephen Hughes talks to The MJ about his retirement as chief executive of Birmingham City Council...
North East Lincolnshire Council chief executive, Tony Hunter, to take top role at the Social Care...
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