My favourite news story this week is, unusually, not an MJ scoop. Keep that quiet, naturally! Say...
NLGN has announced that former Camden LBC leader Dame Jane Roberts has been elected as its new ch...
Norfolk CC chief executive David White will be made redundant from April, following recommendatio...
A fresh round of local government reorganisation has not been ruled out, the Government's local g...
Lord Heseltine's ability to fit together the jigsaw of government, business & society still vital...
Heather Jameson looks at the report by Greg Clark on how to shift the balance of power from White...
Halfway through the parliamentary term, the coalition government has launched its 'mid-term review'.
The leader of Essex CC, Cllr Peter Martin, has announced he will not stand for re-election in May.
Heather Jameson urges local government to stop yo-yo dieting and regain self-respect and econonmi...
Westminster City Council leader Philippa Roe has called on the Government to free up local govern...
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