This week, I shall be at The MJ Future Forum where local government minister Brandon Lewis plans ...
The Local Government Association (LGA) has been dealt a severe blow to its finances in the Budget...
Government unveils a raft of measures to boost infrastructure, support the housing market and cut...
I know who I would rather hand my taxes to, and it's not the Chancellor, says Heather Jameson.
Heather Jameson looks at the details of the recently released LGiU and The MJ's second annual su...
Many directors of children's services feel connected to the schools they run, Sue Imbriano is one...
Ealing LBC chief executive, Martin Smith, tells Heather Jameson how his council is top of the sat...
Nine councils have been recognized in the 2013 COSLA Excellence Awards, including Renfrewshire Co...
Local government will have to remain a damsel in distress for a while longer, says Heather Jameson.
The Local Government Association calls on the Chancellor to devolve powers to local areas when he...
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