Author Profile

Dan Peters

Dan Peters

Articles by Dan Peters

Councils and NHS row over Better Care Fund use

By Dan Peters | 18 June 2024

Some Integrated Care Boards (ICB) are seeking to challenge or repurpose the parts of the Better C...

Inquiry call over asylum hotel use

By Dan Peters | 17 June 2024

A charity has called for a statutory independent inquiry into the use of hotels for unaccompanied...

Chief executives' development programme launched

By Dan Peters | 14 June 2024

A first-of-its-kind development programme designed to meet the needs and future challenges of chi...

Greens to push for council tax revaluation

By Dan Peters | 14 June 2024

Elected Greens will push for a re-evaluation of council tax bands to ‘reflect big changes in valu...

Government to miss key health inequalities targets, researchers warn

By Dan Peters | 13 June 2024

The Government will miss key health inequalities targets that are a cornerstone of the levelling ...

London loan concept could be expanded

By Dan Peters | 11 June 2024

A £190m loan to support the decarbonisation of buildings, energy and transport systems across Lon...

Caerphilly chief 'not in work at present'

By Dan Peters | 10 June 2024

Caerphilly CBC chief executive Christina Harrhy is ‘not in work at present’ amid alleged tensions...

EXCLUSIVE: Full dispersal asylum targets still in draft

By Dan Peters | 10 June 2024

Ministers have not signed off the Government’s 2024 targets for identifying an extra 100,000 beds...

Union demands talks over equal pay claims

By Dan Peters | 10 June 2024

A trade union has today written to Brighton & Hove City Council requesting talks as the authority...

LGA pushes ahead with model parental leave policy

By Dan Peters | 06 June 2024

The Local Government Association (LGA) has agreed to develop a model policy on parental leave for...