The Information Commissioner’s Office has reprimanded both Glasgow and Edinburgh city councils fo...
The number of people estimated to be sleeping rough has increased by a fifth, Government figures ...
Adult social care directors have warned the Treasury suppliers could be forced to close amid the ...
A deal has been struck to suspend debt-ridden Thurrock Council’s ‘mass litigation’ against 23 oth...
The leaders of Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire DCs have backed the enlargement of unita...
The Local Government Association (LGA) has expressed concerns about the ‘capacity’ of Baroness Ca...
Hillingdon LBC has slammed as ‘unsubstantiated’ a proposal by neighbouring Slough to consider mer...
Cutting across district boundaries to make new unitaries could create a backlog of legislation an...
A review of the handling by a counter-terrorism programme of MP Sir David Amess’ killer failed to...
A senior sector figure has called for the Local Government Association (LGA) and Whitehall to off...
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