Devolution deals have been struck in Suffolk and Norfolk, giving them more than £1bn, the Governm...
Local authorities will receive £1bn of funding to ensure vulnerable households are supported thro...
Social landlords could see losses of £4.9bn in rental income over the next five years after the c...
The majority of councils do not have the funding or staff to meet the care needs of older and dis...
‘Slow progress’ by the Government threatens attempts to hit national and local net zero and natur...
Two more councils have taken legal action to stop hotels from being used to house asylum seekers.
The Government has appointed another commissioner to oversee Liverpool City Council following 'se...
Bolsover DC has agreed to create a development firm after its preferred contractor, Woodhead Cons...
A pay offer that equates to a 10.5% increase for the lowest-paid workers is to be implemented.
Local government workers in Scotland could be back on strike within weeks, trade unions have warned.
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