Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Devon councils consider sharing some planning functions

By Laura Sharman | 09 January 2018

Plymouth City Council and Torbay Council are considering joining forces to deliver planning servi...

MSPs warn 'significant' issues with City Region Deals must be addressed

By Laura Sharman | 08 January 2018

A number of concerns about Scotland’s City Region Deals have been raised today by a Holyrood comm...

Councils urged to adopt a 'changemaking' approach

By Laura Sharman | 04 January 2018

A think-tank has warned that a radical cultural shift is needed in local government rather than a...

Christchurch in bid to stop unitary plans

By Laura Sharman | 04 January 2018

Christchurch BC has warned it could take legal action if the Government forces it to merge with B...

Tributes paid after Tameside MBC leader dies over Christmas

By Laura Sharman | 03 January 2018

Tributes have been paid after a key local government figure died on Christmas Day.

Cable calls for empty homes powers

By Laura Sharman | 02 January 2018

Lib Dem leader Vince Cable has said councils need to be given the powers and resources to bring e...

Council withdraws objection to unitary authorities in Dorset

By Laura Sharman | 14 December 2017

Purbeck District Council has agreed to formally withdraw its opposition to the reorganisation of ...

Calls for independent panel to administer compensation for child abuse

By Laura Sharman | 12 December 2017

Compensation for survivors of child abuse in Lambeth should be decided by an independent panel ra...

'Revised timetable' for Universal Credit rollout

By Dan Peters | 22 November 2017

The Government has caved into pressure and changed the timetable for the rollout of Universal Cre...

Counties and districts clash over new report

By Dan Peters | 17 November 2017

A war of words has broken out between the two tiers of English local government after a report sa...