Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

Minister: More to do after Rotherham

By Laura Sharman | 22 July 2016

Social workers and other frontline staff could face criminal charges if they fail to report suspe...

Council rapped for slow FOI response

By Laura Sharman | 21 July 2016

Trafford MBC is being monitored by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) following concerns...

Cameron 'worst ever' PM for housing, says Healey

By Laura Sharman | 19 July 2016

David Cameron has been branded the ‘worst ever’ prime minister for housing, after new figures sho...

Clark launches business rate consultation

By Laura Sharman | 05 July 2016

Councils have been urged to ‘shape their financial future’ as communities secretary Greg Clark la...

Government launches voluntary migration dispersal scheme

By Laura Sharman | 04 July 2016

Local authorities are being urged to sign a new voluntary scheme that aims to help share the resp...

Councils explore shared services plan

By Laura Sharman | 01 July 2016

Three district councils in West Sussex are exploring plans to share services in a bid to save £2m...

Extra £300m to be spent on adult social care

By Laura Sharman | 30 June 2016

Councils are planning to invest an extra £308m this year on adult social care services, according...

Two councils vote against Norfolk-Suffolk devolution

By Laura Sharman | 29 June 2016

Two councils have rejected one of the proposed devolution deals on the table for East Anglia.

Brexit will lead to a 'policy vacuum' in local government

By Laura Sharman | 24 June 2016

Local government has been warned to brace itself for further austerity measures and a possible sh...

Cameron to step down after Brexit result

By Laura Sharman | 24 June 2016

David Cameron has announced he will step down as prime minister in the next three months, after t...