Author Profile

Laura Sharman

Articles by Laura Sharman

£175m funding cuts for Welsh councils

By Laura Sharman | 09 October 2013

Local government leaders in Wales have called yesterday’s draft budget the worst financial settle...

Report calls for lift on borrowing cap

By Laura Sharman | 08 October 2013

New measures are needed to enable London councils to build more homes for low-income families, a ...

COSLA launches first commission for local democracy

By Laura Sharman | 07 October 2013

The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) has launched the first ever local democracy ...

Lawyers call for pension reform to fund care costs

By Laura Sharman | 04 October 2013

The cost of adult social care could be met by reforms to the pension system, according to a new w...

Welsh councils to lose responsibility for school improvement

By Laura Sharman | 03 October 2013

Responsibility for school improvement services will be taken away from Welsh councils and handed ...

Staffordshire warns of 'unaccpetable fragmentation' of care

By Laura Sharman | 01 October 2013

The proposals to shake-up Stafford Hospital could lead to financial and clinical failures, the le...

Chief executive to leave for university role

By Laura Sharman | 30 September 2013

The chief executive of Eastleigh BC is to leave the council for a new role at Portsmouth University.

Cherwell DC may gun for Pickles over planning overrules

By Laura Sharman | 25 September 2013

Cherwell DC is considering legal action against the DCLG, after communities secretary Eric Pickle...

Bi-borough appoints interim chief executive

By Laura Sharman | 24 September 2013

Hammersmith & Fulham LBC and Kensington & Chelsea RLBC announce Nicholas Holgate as the new inter...

Ombudsman finds Westminster illegally housing families in B&Bs

By Laura Sharman | 24 September 2013

Westminster City Council has been criticised by the Local Government Ombudsman.