Author Profile

Mike Suarez

Articles by Mike Suarez

Lambeth LBC's unique deal

By Mike Suarez | 08 August 2012

Mike Suarez describes the details of the 'historic deal' Lambeth LBC has signed with five other L...

The impact of the 2012 Olympic games on councils

By Mike Suarez | 30 May 2012

With the 2012 Olympic Games upon us, councils in London are preparing for the impact, says Mike S...

The challenges of changing service delivery

By Mike Suarez | 25 April 2012

As councils push on with plans to deliver services in alternative ways to reduce budgets, new ris...

The implications of the Welfare Reform Act

By Mike Suarez | 28 March 2012

The implications of the Welfare Reform Act will be felt for a long-time by local authorities says...

The conscious issue of council overheads

By Mike Suarez | 17 January 2012

Mike Suarez looks at how council overheads and service level agreements have become conscious iss...

Money Matters

By Mike Suarez | 07 December 2011

Mike Suarez looks at how councils are looking out for new opportunities to raise revenue in tough...