Author Profile

Ewan King

Articles by Ewan King

Putting the choice back into social care

By Ewan King | 03 October 2023

In difficult times we have focused less on choice and control, but this needs to drive social car...

Shared Lives is a win-win

By Ewan King | 01 November 2022

Shared Lives has yet to grow to its potential and needs to be at the heart of our plans for adult...

A fresh approach to adult social care in Buckinghamshire

By Elaina Quesada | 01 February 2022

Buckinghamshire Council is rolling out a named worker approach across the whole of adult social c...

A place we can call home

By Ewan King | 19 November 2021

Deputy chief executive of the Social Care Institute for Excellence Ewan King offers a vision and ...

Whole-system commissioning during the pandemic

By Naheed Chaudhry | 27 April 2021

Ewan King and Naheed Chaudhry look at how discharge to assess has placed strain on relationships ...

HMJ: Place-based working is here to stay

By Ewan King | 31 March 2021

Ewan King considers whether the Health and Care White Paper will really be the key to unleashing ...

Data to face the dangers ahead

By Naheed Chaudhry | 07 October 2020

To avoid making the same mistakes in adult social care, we need to use data intelligently to plan...

Is COVID-19 the turning point for commissioning?

By Ewan King | 17 August 2020

The coronavirus crisis has tested care to the limit, but it could serve as a turning point for co...

A plan for social care is finally coming. What should be in it?

By Paul Burstow | 27 January 2020

Having a clear view about the outcomes sought is key to drawing up a new plan for social care - a...

Hitting the accelerator on integration

By Fiona Russell | 05 September 2019

A new report launched today at the Healthcare Innovation Expo outlines 15 practical actions for a...