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Dominic Browne

Articles by Dominic Browne

Autumn Statement: Hammond backs transport as foundation for growth

By Dominic Browne | 23 November 2016

Chancellor Philip Hammond continued Government policy of investing in transport networks to help ...

Budget 2016: Osborne boosts infrastructure and flood defences

By Dominic Browne | 16 March 2016

Flood resilience was a keynote winner in today’s Budget, with the chancellor raising the potentia...

Spending Review: Transport major plank of Osborne's spending plans

By Dominic Browne | 25 November 2015

Chancellor George Osborne made transport investment a major plank of his spending plans once agai...

Essex CC calls for its own LEP

By Dominic Browne | 17 July 2015

Essex CC has called for the creation of its own local enterprise partnership (LEP) covering the c...

Summer Budget: Vehicle excise duty to pay for Roads Fund

By Dominic Browne | 08 July 2015

England will have a dedicated Roads Fund using ring-fenced money coming directly from vehicle exc...

Budget 2015: Regional transport strategies unveiled in Budget

By Dominic Browne | 18 March 2015

Chancellor George Osborne announced major transport investment strategies for the North, the Sout...

Pickles predicts bonfire of the LEPs

By Dominic Browne | 19 February 2015

The number of Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) will fall after May’s General Election, commun...

Roads spending at heart of infrastructure plan

By Dominic Browne | 03 December 2014

A £15bn spending plan for the strategic road network was at the heart of the infrastructure strat...

Clark enters into 'positive' talks with LEPs

By Dominic Browne | 25 November 2014

The organisation that co-ordinates the work of the local enterprise partnerships (LEPs) has held ...

Showdown talks for LEP Network future

By Dominic Browne | 21 November 2014

The central organisation for coordinating the work of England’s 39 local enterprise partnerships ...