Thresholds for vulnerable children seeking care are creeping up, flying in the face of efforts to...
Soaring homelessness levels have been described as a ‘national scandal’ after auditors warned min...
Sam Clayden analyses the findings of six independent investigations delving into alleged failures...
Rotherham MBC failed to investigate claims of stolen files and deleted computer records relating ...
Local authorities are increasingly dipping into their reserves to plug funding gaps – something t...
An expert has called for a comprehensive shakeup of children’s services amid fears councils will ...
Councils have been urged to stand up to the communities secretary over their use of reserves and ...
Bristol City Council may not seek a new chief executive after the sudden departure of Anna Klonow...
A Liverpool City Council committee is to hold a meeting to decide the fate of the authority’s bai...
A senior health figure has warned that fundamental barriers to integration remain amid warnings t...
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