Author Profile

Sam Clayden

Articles by Sam Clayden

A bleak snapshot of social care

By Sam Clayden | 04 July 2017

Sam Clayden analyses the findings of this year’s ADASS budget survey, which uncovers troubling tr...

Sector 'lacks vision' for devo

By Sam Clayden | 04 July 2017

Local government has been criticised for failing to present a compelling vision of decentralisati...

Power for good in an uncertain world

By Sam Clayden | 04 July 2017

Six months into her term as Ofsted’s chief inspector, Amanda Spielman speaks about the watchdog’s...

Tackling the image problem

By Sam Clayden | 04 July 2017

From an empty Queen’s Speech to a counter-productive Ofsted regime, Niall Bolger challenges local...

Dawn Baxendale: Chiefs have lost their public service raison d'être

By Sam Clayden | 28 June 2017

Dawn Baxendale speaks to Sam Clayden about how Southampton City Council – and local government as...

Integration hesitation is harming patients

By Sam Clayden | 28 June 2017

A reluctance on the part of some council bosses to progress health and care integration talks is ...

Local Government Finance Bill: A big let-down for the sector

By Sam Clayden | 28 June 2017

With a parliamentary agenda lacking much in terms of legislation for the next two years aside fro...

Salford's successful healthcare transition

By Sam Clayden | 28 June 2017

Salford’s Integrated Care Organisation, now a year old, is blazing a trail for future health and ...

Tensions rise as NHS fines 22 councils for bed-blocking

By Sam Clayden | 28 June 2017

The NHS has fined at least 22 councils for bed-blocking and threatened 11 others with charges ami...

A matter of trust

By Sam Clayden | 14 June 2017

Steve Crocker and Chris Whitehouse explain how the Isle of Wight, through its partnership with ne...