Author Profile

Jim McMahon

Jim McMahon

Jim McMahon MP is former leader of the Local Government Association Labour group

Articles by Jim McMahon

Putting 'power to the people' into practice

By Jim McMahon | 13 December 2016

Election results the world over are revealing a serious divide between communities and the politi...

Trading times

By Jim McMahon | 03 December 2014

Oldham MBC's investment in local traders has added both social and commercial value to the commun...

It's time for council leaders to step up to the plate

By Jim McMahon | 02 December 2014

It’s likely to be another tough week for local government leaders as the chancellor prepares to u...

Co-operation for a better nation

By Jim McMahon | 03 July 2013

Creating powerful local impact is what co-operative councils do. Cllr Jim McMahon expands on how ...

Shaw – one month on

By Jim McMahon | 15 August 2012

A massive gas explosion ripped through Shaw,killing a toddler.Jim McMahon describes how the town ...

Shaw: One month on-the lessons

By Jim McMahon | 08 August 2012

Jim McMahon leader of Oldham Council explains how the local authority handled the aftermath of th...

Creating jobs is our priority

By Jim McMahon | 13 March 2012

Jim McMahon says his council's priority, having set its budget, is to help create employment in t...

How Oldham is reconnecting with residents

By Jim McMahon | 15 November 2011

Jim McMahon says Oldham's new administration has vowed to put an end to the divisiveness caused b...